Couple: Purity Alusa and Kennedy Nyaribo

Date: February 26, 2012

Purity Alusa and Kennedy Nyaribo

Venue: Nairobi Central SDA Church, Milimani

Reception: Tayianna Spa and Gardens, Nairobi

Photo session: Serena Hotel, Nairobi

Budget: Sh750,000

Photos and interview: Wilberforce Okwiri

EVE BRIDAL: How did you two meet?

Purity: It was one lazy Saturday evening in May 2010, when a friend of mine invited me for a drink. I joined him, but I didn’t like the joint he was having his drink so he decided we join his friends who were having a party in Nairobi West. Off we drove to West and I must say all his friends were quite interesting to be with. But this one guy seemed to be really interested in. He asked many questions. I guess he wanted to know me. He introduced himself as Ken, took my number and with that we started communicating.


Ken: I was out with my friends at a party, which was a bit boring so I opted to watch football. In came another friend with two girls. I watched a bit of the match then engaged one of the girls in a conversation. We then exchanged numbers and promised to call each other up later.

EB: What did you like about each other?

Purity: From our conversation, he sounded intelligent, something I like in a man. Right from day one he looked like a gentleman. He seemed to look me in the eye and know what I liked before he even asked. After we met in West, the next weekend Ken drove me to Ole Polos where he declared his feelings and intentions to me. I love nature so that was a plus for him. I could not say no when in front of me is a beautiful hill, which made me fall in love. Being our first date, I also noticed he was soft spoken, kind, caring and very loving.

Ken:Well, I liked her demeanor from the first time we talked. I then decided to call her up and take her on a date to Ole Polos. She is really beautiful and fun to be around. She smiles a lot, which I love. We spent the afternoon together and I said I was interested in dating her. I was surprised and pleased that she loved nature, as I do. I did not know that when I organised for the outing.

EB: How long did you guys date? How was the experience?

Purity: We dated for one year after which marriage was in the cards. The following year we started planning for our wedding. Dating Ken was one of those experiences I will forever cherish. It was easy, fun and enjoyable. Initially dating was one big task for me — making sure you look your best and watching what you say and all. But with Ken, it came easy, I was just being me. I didn’t worry too much about what I was saying and that made it fun. Our dating was also full of holidays and weekend gateways, which were very enjoyable. He knows exactly what to say at the right time, so dating him was worth my time and love.

Ken: Dating is over-rated. Who invented it? But I enjoyed doing so with Purity. She is fun loving and easy to deal with.