By Peter Atsiaya and Vitalis Kimutai

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi raised eyebrows when the task of inviting President Kibaki to address the nation during Friday’s national Madaraka Day Celebrations in Nairobi fell on his shoulders.

In the absence of Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, the task was either going to fall on him or Mr Uhuru Kenyatta who is also DPM, but it appears the President settled on the Sabatia MP because such a decision, with critical implication on State protocol, cannot be done without his being consulted. 

But he left even before the President was through with the day’s burden, this time to board a military chopper at his disposal. Also enhanced is his motorcade, something even he himself delights over and claims it is because of his security.

Sources around him also reveal Mudavadi has in acquired a new four-wheel-drive, armoured custom-made, white Toyota Lexus, a monster of a machine with all the security add-ons you can think of, including bulletproofed body, mirrors and all-terrain run-flat tyres.

The estimated cost of the vehicle powered by a massive fuel-guzzling V-12 engine is Sh36 million.

Although the car is regularly in his convoy, the DPM does not use it when entering the venues of his rallies. It sports the latest KBR series registration plate.

But that is not all in the new face of Mudavadi. The DPM, previously soft-spoken, now displays confounding streak of combativeness in his political approach that is much unlike his previous disposition and language.

Despite never having run a party of his own, his new party, United Democratic Front, which at the formative stages was linked to one of President Kibaki’s top aides, Prof Nick Wanjohi, appears to be spreading its wings fast.

The party is flexing both financial and political muscle on the Presidential campaign.

 Unlike the laid back, modest and gentlemanly politician of the past, a new Mudavadi is emerging and is being courted by those who believe he may be the compromise candidate for the forces set against his former boss in Orange Democratic Movement, Prime Minister Raila Odinga. 

After the Nyayo National Stadium fete, Mudavadi was flown in a military chopper to Western Kenya for a rally in Bungoma.

Reliable sources within the DPM’s circle told The Standard his security team has been bolstered, a sign that in security circles, his sudden display of wealth and power also has an implication on national security.

A source told The Standard the security detail around the DPM has been increased, including those guarding his homes in Nairobi and Mululu. This is on top of the increase in security officers given him and the PM two months ago.

“The DPM has been given additional five security guards from the General Service Unit (GSU) to accompany to him during his tours,” said the source.

The security officers ride in an additional back-up car during his campaigns.

The security status he is now accorded measures up to what he enjoyed in 2002 when he was Vice President and Uhuru Kenyatta’s running mate.

The source added that at the Sabatia MP’s Mululu home, the number of the Administration Police officers at his disposal has not changed.

When The Standard sought his comments, Mudavadi declined to confirm or deny the reports.

“I take security matters seriously and what I can tell you is that my security has been made more alert than ever,” said the Sabatia MP.

 “When you enter into a political contest of such a magnitude and nature, security challenges are there and you cannot know who has bad motives and so your security must be at its best and on high alert always,” he went on.

He added that political activities at the level he is in now expose him to fresh dangers and he cannot take his security lightly.

The tight security was evident on Saturday at the Muliro Gardens in Kakamega when Mudavadi held UDF’s first rally in the town that is perceived to be the heart of Western, and the one that usually determines the political destiny of the region.

Kakamega OCPD Joseph Omijah led a police escort that provided security for Mudavadi and his convoy from Mululu to Kakamega town.

The OCPD controlled traffic flow on the road and ensured there was order at markets where the DPM stopped to address his supporters along the Kakamega-Kisumu road on his way to the rally.

Regular and administration police officers were stationed strategically along the road the way it is normally done when the President or Prime Minister visits the region.

Western Provincial Police Officer (PPO) Benson Kibui said they had resolved to grant all presidential candidates tight security during their visit to the region and Mudavadi was not an exception.

“Mudavadi is a Deputy Prime Minister and is entitled to police escort and security from the State,” said the PPO.

Asked why he and not his Vihiga counterpart accorded Mudavadi such an unusually high level of security, the Kakamega OCPD responded: “We were doing this in collaboration with Vihiga”.

The “new Mudavadi” also seems to have found his grip on Western politics, with a sizeable number of the region’s MPs trooping to his side.

Mudavadi says the move he has taken has made “doubting Thomases” think twice.

“I have always said that I am not the shadow of anybody but people have not been believing this…I am happy that they can now see who I am,” he added.

“My supporters wanted to see my political signature and I have made it and it is good that they have started to associate with me,” said Mudavadi.

“Kenyans are showing that the country is bigger than an individual and that is why leaders who thought they own Kenya politically are crying after I quit ODM,” boasted Mudavadi.

Dr Khalwale and Mr Shitanda said Mudavadi is emerging as President Kibaki’s potential successor. They said the courage he was exhibiting has taken his political detractors by surprise.

“Looking at the mammoth crowd seen in Kakamega I can confirm that we are on the crescent of a tsunami that nobody would resist,” said former Kimilili MP Dr Mukhisa Kituyi.

Speaking at Turbo in Eldoret North MP William Ruto’s backyard on Monday, said Mudavadi said he was open to an alliance with Ruto and Uhuru among others he called “like-minded leaders”.

Last week Mudavadi met Ruto and 40 MPs from his United Republican Party (URP) and Musalia’s United Democratic Forum (UDF).

During the Kakamega rally at the weekend, Cabinet minister Jamleck Kamau and assistant minister Lewis Nguiyai said Uhuru was ready to work with Mudavadi.

Transport assistant minister Hassan Joho repeated claims that Musalia is a “project” of a particular group of well-connected people in Government and the business community keen on protecting their wealth by maintaining the status quo in the next general election.

But his colleague George Khaniri insisted Musalia is a darling of a majority of voters across the country.

Vihiga MP Yusuf Chanzu said Mudavadi enjoys goodwill from all the 47 counties.

“They are erecting all manner of roadblocks in his way after realising he is a formidable candidate,” Chanzu said.

“State House operatives can only wish that a particular candidate be the next occupant of the house on the hill, but they have no influence on the voting process. At the end of the day, every candidate is on his or her own,” Chanzu stated.