By Luke Anami

To get a good job in Kenya today, one needs to have a degree from a reputable university.

This fact has pushed numerous youngsters to enroll in the myriad of schools offering higher education.

But even as students enroll in colleges and universities, it has emerged that the quality of education offered in different universities is different, and there are some universities that offer ‘better degrees’ than others.

And this means that graduates from these universities have a better chance in the employment market than those from other universities.

For instance, Human Resources specialists say a Law graduate from the University of Nairobi is more marketable than one from Kenyatta University (KU).

And an Egerton University graduate in Agriculture better than one from Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT).


But what is the reason for this preference?

“In Law, for instance, it is not the name of the university that matters but the curriculum of that course,” Prof Igara Kabaji, Director of Communication and Public Relations at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) says.

 “The best curriculum in Law has been developed by Moi University. An LLB at Moi University was crafted such that there is no need for one to go to Kenya School of Law for a Diploma in Law in order to practice law in the country.

It is the best in the field to,” he says.

In the media circles, Daystar and the UoN School of Journalism are ranked as some of the best journalism training insitutions.

The two institutions beat Kenya Institute of Mass Communication, which is a reputable institution and leader in the art of producing professionals in the communication industry.

best course

“It is the design of the curriculum that matters in matters academic and not the name of the university. Unfortunately, few care to check on curriculum when deciding the best course in their career.”

Kabaji points out that none of Kenya’s big universities has managed to actually become the best in their field.

“The idea that they are the best in specific field could be based on their history and reputation and not necessarily because of what they offer today,” Prof Kabaji said in an interview with The Standard.

Jacob Onkunya, a management consultant at Onkunya and Associates cites Harvard University, which has been ranked as the number one University in the world.

He says none of Kenya’s universities compare to Harvard, because it has been around for a long time, and has built a stellar reputation during that time.

Moreover, it has a strong faculty and curriculum, and has managed to choose only the best applicants to undertake its rigorous courses.

Notably, the university has been ranked consistently as the best in natural sciences and mathematics, life and agricultural sciences, clinical medicine and pharmacy, social sciences, and Physics and Economics/Business.

This means Harvard is just a better school when compared to any of Kenya’s universities.

Locally Onkunya says some of the private universities are giving the older institutions a run for their money.

“Some universities just don’t have the prestige that other universities have. Upcoming universities are also doing well,” Onkunya explains.

So why then do a section of employers prefer students from certain institutions?

“Some institutions have what we refer to as institution memory. Those who have done it long have a certain history and tradition. That is why we believe those who sat Cambridge exams are still the best in management,” Jacob Onkunya, a management consultant at Onkunya and Associates.

Two of the universities are Oxford and Cambridge. These august institutions are at least three times older than any form of parliamentary democracy, and at least twice as old as the Anglican Church. They have been referred to as national treasures in Britain.

“University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University are the oldest highest institutions of learning in Kenya. While I am not sure they could be epitomised in the same breath as Oxford and Cambridge, certain traits and tradition place them above the rest,” Onkunya adds.


So, are there ‘better degrees’ than others?

The two agree that some schools offer better advantages than others in the job market.

For example, UoN will hold the bastion as the leader in medicine and engineering.

Egerton holds forte as the leader in Agriculture, while Kenyatta University is the best teachers college. Strathmore is the lead Business School, and UoN and Moi tie as the best law schools.

“The next level of which university is actually better will be fought on branding. There are those that will not struggle to create a niche might just lose their place as Kenya’s best training institutions,” Prof Kabaji explains.