By Daniel Nzia

Presidential hopeful Uhuru Kenyatta took his campaign to Kajiado County in Rift Valley province where he assured his supporters he is firmly in the race despite the cases pursuing him from The Hague.

“Even if they load (ICC) cases on us, this will not deter us in our determination to move forward. I am in the presidential race and the ICC cases would not deter me from asking for votes because it is Kenyans who will decide their next leader,” added Uhuru.

Uhuru wondered why certain people whom he did not name were so keen in having the Ocampo Four charged at The Hague over their alleged roles in the 2007 post-election violence.

“Why are others saying we be taken to The Hague. They should have been in the first plane to Netherlands instead,” he said without elaborating.

Uhuru urged Kenyans to say no to political violence, adding that what happened in 2007 should never again recur.

“We witnessed deaths and loss of property because some leaders incited their supporters after they lost,” said Uhuru.

Uhuru cautioned the youth against allowing themselves to be misused by selfish leaders to cause violence while at the same time encouraging them to play an active role in national politics.

“You should actively participate in the forthcoming general election in order to champion your rights,” he advised. The DPM also urged the youth to register as voters in large numbers in readiness for the polls.

Ascend to power

He pointed out that he will be ready to accept defeat as he did in 2002, and support the winner for the sake of peace and posterity in the event he loses and expressed hope that the same would be if he wins.

Uhuru was addressing thousands of his supporters at Loitoktok town where he appealed for peace among Kenya’s communities.

The Deputy Prime Minister was accompanied by assistant ministers Katoo ole Metito and Cecily Mbarire, MPs Mike Mbuvi Sonko and Maison Leshomo among other leaders.

Uhuru urged Kenyans to shun leaders who use their communities as ladders to ascend to power saying the country belonged to all Kenyans but not a particular community.

He dismissed the notion that he should not be elected in the coming polls after President Kibaki because they belong to the same community.

“It is wrong, unfair and unconstitutional to be told I can’t vie simply because I am a Kikuyu and Kibaki is also a Kikuyu,” he said, adding that tribe played no role in the choice of a leader.

He stated: “Mimi na Kibaki hatukuzaliwa tumbo moja. kila mmoja ako na mafikira yake tofauti.”(Kibaki and I were not born from one womb. Both of us have different minds and thoughts).

Seek reconciliation

The DPM asked Kenyans to elect a leader who will take the country to the next level after President Kibaki leaves office. He said leaders whose strength is to divide and incite Kenyans against one another must be rejected, adding that Kenyans wanted unity and those who have had conflict want reconciliation.

“This way development conscious leaders like myself and Kenyans will be able to plan and implement policies that will tackle unemployment and poverty,” he added.

The Gatundu South MP pointed out that electricity, water, adequate food, roads, railway and other needs would be accessible to all Kenyans in the new dispensation.

Uhuru’s tour of Kajiado South constituency was his first political outing since he launched The National Alliance (TNA) party in Nairobi.

He landed at AIC Primary School shortly before 2.00pm and was escorted to the meeting venue by a motorcade of more than 400 motorcyclists. Activities at the border town came to halt as thousands of residents turned up for Uhuru’s rally.

Kibaki’s successor

Runyenjes MP Cecily Mbarire said she chose TNA because it offered the youth opportunities, not as youth wingers but as paramount members.

She said President Kibaki had done a splendid job and  his successor must continue with the same trend and do even more.

“It is only (Uhuru) Kenyatta who has the vision to do so,” said Mbarire.

Uhuru later toured Kimana area, about 12 kilometres from Loitokitok, where he also addressed another rally. His tour came days after three of his challengers for the State House job pitched tent in various parts of the country at the weekend.