By Roselyne Obala

German Ambassador to Kenya Margit Hellwig-Boette has told political leaders to shun tribal politics ahead of the next general elections.

The diplomat noted that current politics tempers could polarise the country and hinder investments.

"Many investors fear there might be a repeat of violence as was experienced in 2007 if leaders continue to engage in ethnic politics ahead of the next general elections," she said.

Boette explained that the violence that rocked the country in last general polls was as a result of deep rooted tribalism and wondered why leaders continue to propagate the same.

She said her country wants political leaders to preach peace and focus on the implementation of the Constitution to avoid conflicts.

The diplomat also warned over the use of social media in campaigns and dissemination of information.

"Some leaders use the social media to propagate their propaganda instead of focusing on ways to attract investors in the country," she stated.

The German ambassador was speaking in Mombasa during an Eastern Africa Media Training workshop organised by Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) on harnessing digital revolution in Africa.

She underscored the need for media to observe the ethnicity and ensure that they disseminate information that will not divide Kenyans along their tribal lines.

"Digital revolution is taking root in Africa. It should be used to spur the economy instead of dividing the users," she explained.

IREN director James Shikwati cautioned against using new technological devices to promote disunity among people.

He urged media practitioners not to use inaccurate information in their stories.

Shikwati said media plays a major role in attracting investors in various sectors of the country.

"Agriculture is one of the areas that is relying on digital revolution because many entrepreneurs are marketing their goods using the new technological devices," he said.

Director of ICT at the University of Nairobi Elijah Omwenga said the sector was creating jobs in the world through globalisation and needs to be embraced.

"Digital media is shaping the society in a positive way. There is too much dynamic information one can get from various source engines to educate masses," he reiterated.