By Pkemoi Ngenoh

A39-year-old former youth wing leader in Kimolwet village, Kipkelion District, is on the run after he was caught digging up a donkey’s remains two weeks ago.

Residents are still in shock and disbelief. Elders say they have never seen anything as macabre in more than 44 years, since a dog was slaughtered and its blood drunk in the famous oathing ceremony between Africans and Colonialists — hence the name ‘Lumbwa’.

The man, only known as a mole trapper, has kept his life secret beyond his demanding career, a career apparently so demanding that he is yet to find himself a wife, 39 years on.

According to the donkey owner, a retired Kenya army officer, the animal developed a strange disease, which started ripping off its skin. By the time the district veterinary officer arrived, it was sadly too late and the 15-year-old donkey succumbed to death.


Having benefited from his donkey for years — he bought it at only Sh105, the old man, out of respect, chose not to leave its carcass to village mongrels and instead buried it at the exact location where it used to rest for the night.

In a sentimental move, he was seen throwing bank notes and coins in the nine-foot-grave as a token to his beloved donkey for the many years of loyalty and distinguished service. Unknown to city dwellers, across communities, donkeys never depart for the next world empty-handed. Any amount of cash, from Sh20 to whatever the owner can afford, is a must as a farewell gesture.

Majority of youthful passersby who witnessed this were shocked to learn for the first time that a donkey is usually buried with cash. Among them was the former youth wing leader who was busy setting mole traps in the next compound.

He was not amused. Wasting money by throwing it on a dead donkey did not go down well with him, compared to the Sh10 that he earns per mole from his traps. So that night, he sneaked upon the donkey grave and dug it up to retrieve the cash.


Unfortunately, at around 1am, while the old man was going to relieve himself in the latrine not far from where he buried his donkey, he saw a flash of light at the ‘gravesite’ and decided to investigate.

When he found someone exhuming his dead donkey, he blew the whistle that is ever tied around his neck. Startled, the youth winger, who had removed his jacket and shirt, shot out of the six feet deep hole that he excavated and melted into the darkness.

Efforts to pursue him bore no fruits. Fortunately, he had left his jacket and shirt with wires used for mole traps behind — a clear pointer to his identity.

Elders are concerned that digging up a donkey grave is an abomination and want him to turn up before them for a cleansing ceremony.