It is a fact that there is everything in a name. A name can say something about you and who you want to be.

The first time Kenyans heard of Finger of God, it looked like a joke until they realised it was a church with celebrities to boot. Up to now it is still puzzling which finger is the creator’s favourite because it is He who created everything.

And just before Kenyans figured out the probable favourite Finger of God, Helicopter Ministries was born.

The church at Mukuru slums does not look like it would fly anytime soon and its structure is likely a threat to the worshippers.

Finger of God seem to have evolved its name from the Hand of God International ministries in the US whose aim is promoting the wholeness of one’s spirit, soul and body, for humanity in all nations of the world and its pastor a Kenyan.

Curiosity arousal

Though the faithful agree a church name ought to arouse curiosity, it also has to reflect congregational character and provide some sense of meaning as to why a church or organization exists.

Half Gospels Ministries would send the wrong signal that the congregation are taught limited teachings on matters spiritual and not everything prophesied in the Holy Book while Olive’s Believers might sound a fellowship by believers of Olive.

People would be forgiven for thinking that First Borns Ministries take care of the spiritual needs of persons who were born as first borns in their families while Eagles Ministries care for the needs of those who soar high in the skies.

Harvest Church, Fullness of Joy, Victory Explosion and God’s Time Miracles are other church names that draw out believers.

But it is not only in Kenya where churches are gaining the notoriety of odd or funny names. In other parts of the world, church naming is also perplexing and exciting.

In the US and UK, churches with names such as Hooker Baptist, Holy Church of the Disturbed Ghost, Cash Church of God, The Chicken House Church, Devils Lake United Methodist Church puzzle.

There are also others like Smackover First United Methodist Church, Boring United Methodist Church, Right Hand Fork United Methodist Church, Mole Mill Church, War United Church, Lover’s Leap Baptist Church and Acme Pentecostal.

In the scriptures, Jesus renamed Simon Peter in order to map out his journey to maturity. Saul of Tarsus became Paul to contextualise himself in the Greek-speaking world.