By Osinde Obare and Steve Mkawale

Agriculture Minister William Ruto and four North Rift MPs have supported a devolved system of government.

The five also threatened to reject the Proposed Constitution unless contentious clauses are amended.

Ruto backed majimbo system, arguing it would ensure equity and encourage economic productivity.

Assistant ministers Charles Keter, Jebii Kilimo and MPs Joshua Kuttuny, Sammy Mwaita and Moses Lekuton backed Ruto’s push for regional governments.

They said devolution would spur development, especially in marginalised areas.

"We need to establish structures able to cater for the interests of the people in these areas and ensure equity and competitive economic productivity," said Ruto.

The Eldoret North MP spoke at St Mark Cherangani Boys in Trans-Nzoia East at the weekend during a funds drive to buy a school bus.

Ruto said contentious clauses on land and abortion could work against the realisation of a new constitution. He called for amendments.

"We need a consensus to amend the disputed clauses," he said.

Ruto challenged MPs to put aside their personal interests and work towards the single goal of giving Kenyans a new constitution.

Seek consensus

"Our leadership would be questionable if we fail to provide the new constitution," he said.

Mr Keter asked ODM and PNU leaders to respect the views of other people to hasten the constitution making process.

Mr Kuttuny said it would be difficult for the country to have a new constitution if MPs failed to agree.

Elsewhere in Nakuru, leaders denounced calls for formation of regions that would legitimise tribalism.

Led by Roads Assistant Minister Lee Kinyanjui, the leaders opposed proposals that the Central Rift region be comprised of the larger Nakuru, Naivasha and Laikipia East and West.

They said Nakuru town should be left the way it is due to its cosmopolitan nature.

The Nakuru town MP, who held consultative meetings with elected and opinion leaders in the constituency, said regions should not be created for communities.