Rwandan Ambassador James Kimonyo (second right) when he le ... ring teh Genocide aganst the Tutsi memorial in Gigiri..JPG

Hundreds of Rwandans and friends of Rwanda today gathered at United Nations headquarters to remember and honor victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The major highlight of the event was a testimony by Murebwayire Yozafina, a 64-year-old widow who lost all her six children, a husband and two brothers during the 1994 massacres.

“On the night of April 6, 1994 when the plane that was carrying President Habyarimana was shot down, two soldiers and two Interahamwe came to our home. They demanded for money and before they left, they said that those coming to finish us were on their way”.

The next day, Josephine and her family sought refuge at Ndera Seminary School and this is where almost all her family perished.

“On April 11 1994, hundreds of Interahamwe militias descended on us butchering us aimlessly, all my six children, my husband and two brothers died on spot. Because I was socked in a pool of blood with wounds all over my head, killers left me thinking I was dead. A few days later, RPF soldiers came to my rescue, took me to their base in Byumba and treated me.” Josephine recalled as mourners were left to cleaning tears.

Rwanda’s High Commissioner to Kenya Ambassador James Kimonyo thanked United Nations for recognizing what happened in Rwanda in 1994 as genocide against a particular group.

“I take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the United Nations General Assembly for finally adopting resolution recognizing that what happened in Rwanda between April 7th and July 1994 was Genocide against the Tutsi,” said Mr Kimonyo.

The envoy challenged member’s diplomatic corps to act more swiftly in fight against genocide denial and bring perpetrators to book.

Mrs Josephine Murebwayire in after giving her moving testimaony at the Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda at U.N Gigiri.JPG

“Many perpetrators who committed this heinous crime in Rwanda are still at large in your respective countries. Rwanda has done its part by sending the indictments to different capitals seeking their extradition. If we are really serious about our collective pledge of fighting the culture of impunity, I humbly call on you to support us in making these individuals face justice by either extraditing them to Rwanda or at least take them through domestic prosecution though Rwandans would prefer the trials to take place in Rwanda crimes were committed.

“I would like also to mention the issue of trivialization and denial of genocide. I know many European countries have enacted stringent laws to fight holocaust denial. Without comparing the magnitudes of the two crimes, we call upon these countries to enact same laws to fight the denial of other genocides including the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda” Kimonyo concluded

During his speech, Ambassador Macharia Kamau, Principal Secretary in the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade who was also chief guest lauded the people of Rwanda for their fortitude and resilience after the tragedy that befell the country 24 years ago.

Guests listen to Mrs Josephine Murebwayire in giving her movi ... y at the Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda at U.N Gigiri

“On this day of remembrance, Kenya joins People of Rwanda to honour the memory of the victims who perished in the genocide, and, salute people of Rwanda especially the survivors for their tremendous courage and resilience in their unyielding journey of healing, reconciliation and national recovery. We laud Rwanda's astute leadership and resolute political will which has been at the centre of the transformed governance and socio-economic fabric of the Rwandan Society. Mr. Macharia concluded

Todays commemoration event was characterized by a powerful testimony, songs, poems and it was attended by among others, members diplomatic corps, United Nations staff and members of Rwandan community and friends of Rwanda.