Co-operatives are the back bone of Bomet's economy

Bomet governor Isaac Ruto has backed co-operative movements as an important factor in the improvement of the county’s economy and pointed out that his government will continue supporting the initiative for the posterity of the region.

While talking on Saturday 3rd July at Boito in Bomet County to mark the Ushirika day that celebrates the role played by co-operatives in the society said more residents should join co-operatives as a way of soliciting their financial base and engage in income generating activities.

“Sh.70 million has been disbursed as loans to facilitate the operation of co-operative societies this year around the county.” He said urging the national government to increase the amount of money shared among counties in order to spur development growth in the regions.

The Governor condemned recent demonstrations that have rocked Bomet town regularly as a result of disputes relating to a land that the county government of Bomet and Moi University claimed ownership until a high court order ruled in favor of the varsity.

“We are not going to tolerate further loss of property due to demonstrations in Bomet and any leader found to incite supporters to destructive acts will be dealt with according to the law.” He warned adding that such activities scared investors and should not be witnessed again.

He urged boda boda operators and other small scale business holders to join cooperatives so as to enable them have access to loan and saving facilities.

He praised cooperative officers for their efforts which had helped raise the number of co-operatives societies in the region from186 to 486 since he became governor of Bomet.

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Economy Bomet