Sh300,000-a-night prostitute reveals her high end customers

London: A former Sh300,000-a-night escort has laid bare the ins and outs of the sex trade, after ditching it for a career in stand-up comedy.

Miranda Kane has revealed all about her seven years in the industry - from balloon fetishes to pizza fantasies.

“Put it this way, there are several household objects you won’t be able to look at in the same way again,” she says.

She is lifting the lid on her life in the industry, her clients and their bizarre requests in a comedy show in Salford as part of the Greater Manchester Fringe next month.

The oldest profession in the world has proved to be rich source material for the comedian, reports the men.

She originally pursued a career on the stand-up circuit before realising, at 18, she had nothing to say.

Five years later she found herself drawn towards sex work when she discovered she was in demand as a larger lady, tipping the scales then at 25 stone.

“I was looking through forums about dating bigger women and found out there were girls doing risque modelling and it was only a few clicks later I discovered you could make a lot of money through escorting,” she says.

“Being in London and being a bit skint - and also being someone who really enjoys sex and money - I thought I’d give it a go and see what happened.

“I put my number on the internet with a couple of pictures and my phone started ringing half an hour later.”

Working from her flat, Miranda, or Melody, as she called herself, could rake in up to £2,000 a night to indulge men’s wildest - and weirdest - fantasies.

“Some men want the bed filled with balloons or they want to put a balloon between you and they want it to pop,” she reveals.

“And there was one guy who was a bit of a peeping Tom and he wanted to stare in my window while I was getting ready.

"I was just thinking what would my neighbours be thinking?

“There was one guy who used to come over from Canada and he was particular fan of squashing.

"He would pay me for three hours to sit on him, eat pizza and watch TV.

“A lot of guys were coming to see me because they wanted to try something different. They wanted to try something they couldn’t express to their wives and girlfriends.

“I’ve seen it all.”

Miranda quit escorting to focus on comedy in 2011.

Since then her frank and funny one-woman show, The Coin Operated Girl, has won rave reviews at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe as well as touring festivals such as Bestival and Latitude.

 Billed as ‘the cheapest hour you’ll ever spend with a prostitute’, it has drawn comparisons with the tell-all blog Belle de Jour: Diary of a London Call Girl, which was adapted into a hit TV series starring Billie Piper, in questioning the popular narrative of sex workers as victims.

“That’s one of the reasons I wanted to do the show,” she says. “I realised there aren’t that many women speaking openly about sex work.

“There are a lot of people saying we should ban the buying of sex because all these women are being forced into it, but the only reason they are being forced into it are things like the Government cutting benefits and that there aren’t enough facilities out there to help with drug and mental health problems.

 “For those people who are in sex work for those reasons, we need to look at the base reasons why they are doing it.”

The show touches on this - and it will also raise money for Manchester-based sex work charity National Ugly Mugs - but Miranda insists it is not a ‘sex work soapbox’.

“Part of the reason I do the show is to get a sense of humour into it and get more people to see a different side of it.”