
Crazy world: Woman’s blind date turns out to be her father-in-law, husband is not happy

Lili got the shock of her life when she found out her mystery date was her father-in-law (Picture: CEN)

The last thing you need when planning to cheat on your husband with a mystery man is for the guy to turn out to be his dad.

That’s what reportedly happened when Lili went on a secret rendezvous in Heilongjiang province, north-east China, with a man she had met on the internet.

Little did the 28-year-old know she had arranged a blind date with her father in law, Wang Pai, after they had both used false identities.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, it transpired the unfaithful wife had been followed to the hotel location by her husband, and the man’s son, Wang Jai.

When she rang the doorbell to the room while in her pink bathrobe and the dad answered, Mr Jai went berserk and started to assault both of them.

Mr Pai, 57, spoke of his surprise at finding out his secret date was his daughter in law.

He said: ‘We eventually agreed to meet for a romantic liaison, but when I opened the door I don’t know if she was more surprised or me.

‘She turned round and ran off down the hallway straight into her husband, my son, who had been following her.’

The husband was detained for five days after knocking out two of his wife’s teeth and causing his father to be taken to hospital with a head injury.

-Adapted from the Metro