Easy recipe: T-bone steak with veggies and sliced potatoes
 T-bone steak with veggies and sliced potatoes (Photo: iStock)

Let’s make my favourite T-bone steak. This steak is super delicious, juicy, and tender. Make sure you ask your butcher for the tender part of the T-bone.

Marinate it and leave it in the marinade for at least 5 to 6 hours to infuse the flavours well. This will hence tenderize your steak. Pan-sear it on medium-high heat and you will fall in love with the meal. 

What you will need:

1kg T bone steak sliced

1 teaspoon garlic ginger paste

Juice of 2 limes


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2 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon curry powder

1/2 teaspoon black pepper 

Salt to taste

250g French beans (blanched)

2 carrots, diced

Fried sliced potatoes with caramelised onions (Optional)

What to do:

Rub salt, garlic paste, rosemary, lime juice and black pepper on the T bone, ensuring that the marinade is distributed all over the steak.

Set aside for 4 to 5 hours to let the flavours infuse well.

In a pan over medium heat, add oil and place the steaks one by one to cook for about three minutes on each side.

When the steaks are almost cooked, take the carrots and French beans and throw them in the pan so that they infuse with the flavours from the steak.

Toss them for about 2 to 3 minutes and serve with the steak and a side of fried sliced potatoes and caramelized onions. Enjoy