Church decries police brutality as Gen Z declares Tuesday holiday

All Saints Cathedral Provost Canon Evans Omollo congratulated Gen Z's for rejecting the Finance Bill 2024, calls on President William Ruto to listen to the grievances raised. He also castigated the police Officers conduct during the protests on Sunday, 30, June, 2024. [Samson Wire, Standard]

The Church has condemned police brutality and called on President William Ruto and his government to listen to the people's concerns.

At All Saints Cathedral (ASC) in Nairobi, Provost Evans Omollo condemned the invasion of the church during the demonstrations and demanded an apology from Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome over the conduct of his officers who nearly deconsecrated the place of worship.

Omollo said ASC opened its gates to over 3,000 protesters, majority of whom were Gen Z, to take refuge from furious police officers who were under orders not to allow any peaceful protest contrary to Article 37 of the Constitution.

"We are sad that despite seeking refuge in the House of God, police officers lobbed several tear gas canisters within the compound affecting several people. Later that evening, a contingent of military officers stormed the ASC compound threatening everyone they found, ordering unarmed, peaceful youth to lie down and they shot live bullets indiscriminately. Spent cartridges used within the compound are in our custody. The protestors had to be evacuated for safety. We condemn this careless encroachment into a consecrated place of worship, the sanctity of which must be respected in the same manner we expect respect of protected public infrastructure," the provost said.

As he lauded the president for withdrawing the Finance Bill 2024, Omollo emphasised the church's support towards paying of taxes but opposed over taxation of the people, which he regretted is largely spent to finance extravagant lifestyles of some government officials who openly displayed opulence.

"In order to restore the confidence of Kenyans in his leadership, we call on the president to listen, listen and listen to the people. The international community and those who surround the president seem not to have the interest of this nation at heart. The Gen Z have just reminded our leaders that listening is one of the virtues in leadership," said Omollo in a statement he read after the Sunday service.

The cleric urged Ruto to outline practical austerity measures to reduce over expenditure in government and let Kenyans see things changing from the use of lavish cars, over representation in foreign trips, unnecessary and obnoxious per diems for civil servants, bloated staff in public service among others.

He called for the scrapping of illegal and unnecessary offices such as chief administrative secretaries and personal advisors, which gobbles millions of shillings from public coffers.

"Fire incompetent and corrupt state officers beginning with Cabinet officers who have been adversely mentioned in corruption cases as well as those who have failed to offer honest and selfless advice. Kenyans wonder why they have to pay all manner of advisors whose interest is their selfish gain. Mr President, the more you protect them, the more Kenyans will not trust you," Omollo said.

On July 7, the Cathedral will host an interdenominational memorial and prayer service for those who lost their lives during the protests.

on July 7, 2024. to pray for the nation and those who got injured during the protests while remembering those who lost their lives.

At the Nairobi's Holy Family Minor Basilica, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) condemned what they described as brutal and inhumane police acts.

"This is why we condemn the brutal and inhumane acts of the police which cannot be justified. The concerns raised by Gen Z remain genuine in our eyes. We share your cries due to unemployment, corruption, high cost of living, high school fees for many families, failed promises and a seemingly bleak future," said the KCCB chairman, Maurice Muhatia in a statement read in church.

As he issued the church's condolences to the affected families, Muhatia said the message of the protests by Gen Z brought many concerns and tears as the country watched many young people suffer.

He said the young people feel aggrieved, forgotten and let down in their aspirations while others feel like the church may have failed at times.

"We sent you this message as an assurance that we wish to accompany you, as we all need one another. On our part, we promise to double our efforts to promote peace, love, unity and justice for all Kenyans," Muhatia said.

He said the young people are the country's hope, adding that the church sees great skills and talents in them that will uphold families and society.

"As a church, we are here to listen to you and accompany you. Our doors are open for guidance and mentorship. We desire that each one of you grows to be the best that God intends for each of you," noted Muhatia.

At the Nairobi's Holy Family Minor Basilica, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) condemned what they described as brutal and inhumane police acts. [Samson Wire, Standard]

Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya Archbishop Hubertus van Megen called for individual interrogation as the Gen Z called for justice and freedom for all.

"Ask yourself where do you stand in all this. Would you be ready to give your life for justice and peace in this country? Where do you belong? Christians or Catholics are not disconnected from the events of these days and in fact, the church should not be disconnected," said Megen.

"Even after the initial hesitation at Holy Family Basilica when it had closed its gate so that protestors could not enter, however, on Tuesday it opened its gates so that people could receive water, wash their faces and so that the wounded could be treated at the field hospital that had been set up at the compound," he explained yesterday.

The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) called on its member churches across the country to observe a moment of silence for the departed souls.

The NCCK have already issued guidelines on ministering to political leaders, saying politicians are welcome to attend the churches for worship like all other members who are non-politicians.

The guidelines, however state that the sanctity of the altar should be maintained by only allowing worship practices and that the clergy should provide guidance to politicians who attend church-led functions to prevent politicking.

"Politicians should be encouraged to address people or media outside the worship sanctuary. Any monetary contributions by politicians should be treated the same as offerings by all other members, and should not have any funfair or be announced," reads the guidelines contained in a statement.

Religious leaders are to desist from endorsing or opposing politicians or political parties to maintain an objective voice of the church and to avoid exaggerated recognition of political leaders who attend the services to prevent projecting a higher level of importance than the other members of the church.

"The clergy should, on behalf of the congregation, raise any issue of concern with the politicians who attend services as relates to their areas of responsibility. Heads of churches to maintain oneness of purpose and ensure these guidelines are followed in their different congregations," states the statement.

The NCCK, led by General Secretary, Canon Chris Kinyanjui, said the youth have come out to exercise their right to peaceful picketing as they enhance their participation in the national agenda. He demanded that the State stops curtailing this right.

He also urged stopping of abductions and clandestine arrests while announcing that NCCK member churches are marking seven days of mourning to remember and honour the young heroes who died as they exercised their right to participate in governance of the nation, the culmination of which will be in memorial services on July 7.

The Legion Maria of African Church Mission condemned police brutality, saying their highhandedness is unnecessary and uncalled for.

"Kenya is guided by the Constitution that describes it as a democracy with her citizens having rights and freedoms to express their frustrations when they feel the government is not listening to their grievances," said Legion's general secretary, Rev Wycliffe Nyaperah.

Politicians were on Sunday conspicuously missing in the front rows of churches, amid warning from restless Gen Z to keep off the pulpit.

The Gen Z pressure against elected leaders has also led to cancellation of several church fundraisers lined up over the weekend.

"De-platform politicians in churches. Do not allow any politician to speak in your church. We shall observe a moment of silence for five minutes for our murdered comrades," the Gen Z said in their posters, which outlined a series of this week's events.

Away from monitoring the pulpit, the Gen Zs on Sunday lit candles at Nairobi's Jeevanjee gardens ahead of tomorrow, which they have declared a public holiday in honour of those killed during last week's street demonstrations.

"Tuesday, July 2...occupy everywhere. A public holiday, all Kenyans of all ages in solidarity shall occupy all major roads in the country and sit down," reads a poster circulated on social media platforms.

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