
'Dead beat' parents exposed on social media

Social media sites enable people all over the world to connect socially, interact, share and discuss information about each other and their lives. With time, however, online networking has evolved and people have became more creative.

These platforms are today being used as advertising and marketing tools by businessmen; for campaigning by government officials and for providing information on current events by media houses, among others.

Jackson Njeru, however, recently realised he could use this ubiquitous platform to address a particular social issue. He created a Facebook group called Dead Beat Kenya, which has so far caused quite the stir.

The group meant to address the problem of parental irresponsibility provided Kenyans with an avenue to expose parents who have abdicated their obligations. According to the group's administrator, 'dead beat' is a term used to describe a person of either gender who sires children and tries to evade the responsibility of taking care of them.

Just a few days after it started, the group turned into a web sensation with several women posting photos of 'dead beat' fathers alongside their phone numbers and some additional personal information. Well known businessmen, media personalities and musicians were among those named on the group's wall.

Many people, especially men, reacted to this group, some of whom were enraged by the actions of Njeru while others hailed him for promoting parental responsibility.

As it continues to gain more followers in their tens of thousands, there are questions about reaching the people adversely mentioned to give their side of the story.

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Dead beat