Beware, social media could be driving your children to drug abuse
Social media is inescapable in today’s world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and multiple other platforms promote a constant connection with friends.
By Simon Mwangi 3 years ago
Beware, social media could be driving your children to drug abuse
New rules will boost campaign against drug abuse in schools
Traditionally, students either using or found in possession of substances of abuse have been expelled or suspended from learning institutions.
By Simon Mwangi 3 years ago
New rules will boost campaign against drug abuse in schools
New guidelines set to boost schools in war on drug abuse among students
And the negative effects of drug abuse on a learner’s character formation cannot be overemphasised.
By Simon Mwangi 3 years ago
New guidelines set to boost schools in war on drug abuse among students
Covid sunk Kenyan youth into deeper alcoholism
Over 10 percent of Kenyans aged between 15 and 65?have an alcohol use disorder, with most of them (60 percent) having the severe form.
By Simon Mwangi and Judy Twala 3 years ago
Covid sunk Kenyan youth into deeper alcoholism
Help those who fail their exams not to fall into drugs
The biggest purveyors of the false narrative that people’s destiny is defined through one-off assessments and grades in the name of the national exam.
By Simon Mwangi 3 years ago
Help those who fail their exams not to fall into drugs
Proposed drugs law will rein in traffickers
Any enforcement officer who colludes with any person suspected of committing an offence under the Act, commits an offense.
By Simon Mwangi 4 years ago
Proposed drugs law will rein in traffickers
Athletes should share their location with anti-doping officials
Doping tests can be carried out randomly, at any place and time
By Simon Mwangi 5 years ago
Athletes should share their location with anti-doping officials
Athletes must avoid temptation to dope
Doping is one of the threats to the achievement of the health pillar of this grand development agenda.
By Simon Mwangi 5 years ago
Athletes must avoid temptation to dope
Sports betting: Curse of the Kenyan youth
Kenya has the highest number of gambling youth aged between 17-35 years in Sub-Saharan Africa.
By Simon Mwangi 6 years ago
Sports betting: Curse of the Kenyan youth
Inclusion of anti-doping lessons in new school curriculum good move
The Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) has adopted a preventive strategy against doping that targets learners between 10 and 14 years.
By Simon Mwangi 6 years ago
Inclusion of anti-doping lessons in new school curriculum good move
Have peace, God is greater than all storms Mark 4:39
In an hour of crisis, Jesus got up and spoke to the storm as if it were a person
By Rev. Simon Mwangi 7 years ago
Have peace, God is greater than all storms Mark 4:39
There is power in reconciliation John 13:34,35
God is the author of Reconciliation
By Rev Simon Mwangi 7 years ago
There is power in reconciliation John 13:34,35
Jesus is the Ultimate Solution Acts 4: 11, 12
strologers, diviners, witches, false prophets are dismal pretenders to solution provision
By Pastor Simon Mwangi 7 years ago
Jesus is the Ultimate Solution Acts 4: 11, 12
The Blessed Walk Gen 17:1-7
We have entered the year of the Lord’s Covenant Blessings
By Pastor Simon Mwangi 8 years ago
The Blessed Walk  Gen 17:1-7
Powered to do Exploits Gen 17:3-7
Our God is an Enabler
By Pastor Simon Mwangi 8 years ago
Powered to do Exploits  Gen 17:3-7
COVENANT POWER - GOD IS ABLE: It is never too early or to late for God to do a miracle
Nothing is Impossible with God
By Pastor Simon Mwangi 8 years ago
COVENANT POWER - GOD IS ABLE: It is never too early or to  late for God to do a miracle
Journalists urged to highlight digital divide among marginalized communities
By Patrick Vidija and Esther Nyambura
2 hrs ago
The Safety Rock?
By Harry
5 hrs ago