
16 year old girl ‘defiled’ by foster father seeks justice

Kiambu county TNA coordinator Gladys Chania (in red) join deaf people in a recitation to entertain physically challenged people in Githunguri stadium. picture taken July 27/2015. PHOTO BY JOHN KARUME

A 16-year-old girl from Kiambaa Constituency is seeking justice after she was allegedly defiled by her foster father, whom she claimed used a sleep-inducing drug before committing the act.

The Form Two student claimed her father defiled her in their one-roomed house three weeks ago but police had not taken action.

"We live in a one-room house in Kihara village and my father must have sprayed us with some chemical while asleep since I did not hear anything happening to me at night," said the minor.

She alleged she only realised she had been defiled while in school, prompting her to visit Karuri Sub-County Hospital for medical attention. The minor claims her father took off after the ordeal and is yet to be arrested.

"All I want is justice so that my father can be arrested for defiling me. My mother is hesitant to co-operate," added the minor.

Kiambu The National Alliance Coordinator Gladys Chania, also a counselling psychologist, urged the society to be vigilant with second marriages, especially in cases where a girl child was sired in the previous marriage.

"These cases of men raping girls who are not biologically theirs have really increased in the society," said Ms Chania while visiting the minor.

Ms Chania and area MP Paul Koinange have offered to transfer the girl from the school to avoid stigma.