CORD leader Raila Odinga tells off Kisumu Central MP Ken Obura over leadership


KENYA: CORD leader Raila Odinga has told off the young Turks over their plans to take over leadership in ODM.

The former PM alongside other CORD leaders, who spoke during the homecoming for Kisumu County Assembly majority leader, Samuel Ong’ou, aimed their blows at Kisumu Central MP Ken Obura who had showed his interest in the ODM Secretary General’s post.

Obura’s onslaught was brought forth using parables and straight attacks.

Raila led the onslaught comparing Obura to a lizard. He said according to a Nigerian parable, there was once a lizard that craved recognition. He said the lizard climbed a tree hoping people would see him.

“You can be old in body but young in mind and similarly you can be old in mind and young in body,” said Raila, advising the young leaders.

Funyula MP Paul Otuoma said Obura was like a young bull trying to overthrow the oldest bull in the house.

Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama also dismissed the young leaders.

“Obura does not know what he is saying and he should stop all these theatrics,” said Muthama, adding that Raila wants unity yet some people are set to destabilise ODM.

National Assembly Deputy Chief Whip, Jakoyo Midiwo told Obura to respect the older leaders.

Homa Bay Senator Otieno Kajwang’ said ODM is like a church and there is no way a small priest could sit on the bishop’s seat simply because he is old.