Raila, Ruto battle for Isiolo votes

By ALI ABDI                  

Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Eldoret North legislator William Ruto both held campaign rallies in Isiolo County.

Raila, the Orange Democratic Movement presidential aspirant and Ruto, the United Republican Party candidate both had two rallies set for same venues — one at Isiolo Stadium and the other at Oldonyiro trading centre.

Both spent Sunday night in the town at different tourist lodges.

In order for them not to clash at the same venue, local police arranged that Raila should have his first rally in the morning at Isiolo Stadium and Ruto later in the afternoon.

They would later swap venues.

About 30 minutes after Raila left the venue in a helicopter for Oldonyiro, Ruto and his entourage who had been waiting at a local hotel flew into the stadium.

Ruto’s team had a bigger crowd and was hosted by far more local leaders who can be described as serious contenders eyeing various positions in the coming General Election.

A senior police officer who was among the security team at both rallies said Ruto had a bigger crowd estimated at 8,000 people while Raila had about half that number.


Locals, however, say Ruto had a bigger crowd because supporters of TNA, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, also attended the rally.

Isiolo North legislator Mohammed Kuti and his Isiolo South counterpart Abdul Bahari who are TNA members also reportedly urged their supporters to attend the Ruto rally.

Raila was accompanied by Cabinet Minister Henry Kosgey and Turkana East MP Josephat Nanok and ex-MPs Maoka Maore and Boy Juma.

High profile locals who hosted the PM include Isiolo ODM co-ordinator Hassan Shano, councillors Ismail Galma and Mohammed Jaafar, and an Isiolo women representative aspirant Lucy Mworia.

On the other hand, Ruto was accompanied by rebel ODM MPs Mohamud Ali (Moyale), Aden Duale (Dujis), Chachu Ganya (North Horr) and Nominated MP Sophia Abdinoor.

Others present included gubernatorial hopefuls Mohammed Guleid Godana Doyo and Domiciano Mainge, Dr Abduba Sama and Joseph Samal (both eyeing Isiolo North seat, and Rehema Dida, the late Guracha Galgalo’s widow who is eyeing the Isiolo women representative seat.

Also present were 11 councillors.

The Ruto team took the opportunity to trash what Raila had earlier told his supporters.

Raila had claimed credit for upgrading of the Isiolo-Moyale road to bitumen standard and the Ruto team said it was done through the personal initiative of the Narc Government under President Kibaki.


“I remember being among those who trekked from Moyale to Isiolo to demand that the road be tarmacked. Raila dismissed us as Kanu sympathisers with no agenda for our people. Later President Kibaki agreed to our request,’’ said Ali.

At the same time, a day after opinion polls rated him highly, Prime Minister Raila Odinga came out exuding confidence that he would win the presidential contest in the first round.

He asked Kenyans to ignore reports indicating the likelihood of a run-off.The ODM party leader pointed out that defections by members to other parties had not affected his popularity and that of the party.