Tullow picks firm to build its oil facility inTurkana County


Tullow Oil has contracted an Abu Dhabi-based firm to set up an oil production facility in Turkana County.

The facility will enable the firm to produce 2,000 barrels of oil per day beginning the fourth quarter of this year under the Early Oil Pilot Scheme (EOPS).

Al Mansoori Petroleum Services LLC will commence installation of the Early Production Facility in South Lokichar in July, which is expected to be ready for commissioning by around September, giving way to pilot oil production in the fourth quarter.

The UK-headquartered Tullow said the pilot scheme would be undertaken in three phases, with the first being the evacuation of 60,000 barrels of oil produced in 2015 by road to Mombasa.

 The exercise is expected to take two months. “Phase two, from July to quarter four 2017, involves the installation and commissioning of an Early Production Facility (EPF) by Al Mansoori Petroleum Services LLC,” said Tullow Kenya Country Manager Martin Mbogo in a statement.

The evacuation of oil stored at Tullow’s storage facilities in Turkana is expected to start this week. Part of this oil will form the first cargo that Kenya expects to export mid next month.

Tullow Oil and its joint venture partners in the Turkana oil project have contracted Multiple Hauliers EA Ltd and Oilfield Movers Ltd (OML) to supply 50 trucks – 25 trucks each – and Primefuels Kenya Ltd to supply tanktainers - specialised transport containers - that will be loaded with crude oil.


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