Disorder, violence reign in Jubilee, CORD primaries

By Philip Mwakio

KENYA: Confusion reigned in most parts of Coast Province after supporters of Jubilee and CORD alliances converged at same centres to vote.

The primaries were marred by late arrival of voting material, with some stations resorting to queue voting.

Violence between Jubilee supporters was reported in some areas of Mombasa while CORD rivals fought in Wundanyi. Outgoing Wundanyi MP Thomas Mwadeghu was roughed up by rowdy youth, as he attempted to meet supporters in Wundanyi town. Mwadeghu fled on a motorcycle as he blamed the violence on drunken youth sent by his rivals.

Mwadeghu’s bodyguard lost a phone and other valuables in the fracas.

“The MP was stoned at his office and it is by the grace of God that he escaped from the youth,” said Julius Mwalicha, a senior manager at his office.

Taita OCPD Samson Kiine said the matter was not reported to his office. In Mombasa, Kwale and Taita Taveta counties, there were fears of violence getting out of control for lack of police presence.

CORD and Jubilee supporters laid claim to Kiembeni Primary School and Ishada grounds polling centres in Kisauni Constituency.

Low key

For CORD enthusiasts in Mombasa County, it was an anti-climax when the much-expected rivalry between ODM contenders for senate and Nyali parliamentary seats fizzled out. This is after some ODM candidates defected to Wiper Democratic Movement (WDM).

Jubilee alliance elections in Kwale and Taita Taveta counties were largely low key, with most aspirants sailing through unopposed.

Violence broke out between TNA supporters in Tononoka. They pelted each other with stones over voting material and rivalry.

In Kwale County, Jubilee alliance held primaries only in Lunga Lunga Constituency with CORD holding nominations in all constituencies including Matuga, Kinango and Msambweni. Due to lack of ballot materials, CORD officials resorted to queue voting in Lunga Lunga.

In Matuga Constituency, CORD supporters formed queues outside the home of Mombasa Republican Council leader Omar Mwamnwadzi in Kombani waiting to cast votes.

Mr Hassan Mwanyoha was named ODM candidate for the parliamentary seat. Mwanyoha almost floored outgoing Matuga MP Chirau Mwakwere in 2007 elections.

In Kinango, Mr Benjamin Tayari secured ODM ticket for lack of a competitor. Amani coalition also awarded a ticket to former Kinango MP Simeon Mkala to vie for the post of governor for Kwale County as former Msambweni MP Abdallah Ngozi was given Kenya National Congress ticket. In Kilifi County, the exercise was delayed due to failure by officials to download voters names from IEBC register. ODM county Returning Officer Muthee Mulei said he worked on the problem. “Our nomination exercise in Kilifi County had to be delayed due to technical hitches,” said Mulei.

--- Additional reporting by Joseph