
Fleeing bandits threaten to shoot down military choppers

By Rawlings Otieno and Peter Opiyo

BARAGOI, KENYA, Nov. 22 - Airstrike operation in Baragoi have been suspended following threats by heavily armed bandits to shoot down any copter pursuing their hideouts.

Elders are holding a meeting with top provincial security personnel to avert any confrontation until conclusive negotiations have been made.

Baragoi area is now a no-flying zone for Police copters since they are not armed, and should the bandits make good their threat, then copters would be brought down.

According to the military, only small copters MD 500 are armoured to fly in the rugged terrain that the bandits have mastered.

The arrival of the military aircraft ‘Puma’ brings the number of surveillance choppers to three.

But on Thursday, the MD 500 military copters were being loaded with weapons.

The elders had on Thursday embarked on a mission to persuade the fighters to return the stolen animals and guns they got from the police officers that they killed in Suguta valley.

An elder within the negotiating team said that they are holding meetings with senior provincial security officers with a view to avoid loss of lives should the military strike from the air space.

“We have been holding meetings with senior security personnel over the issue of returning the stolen animals. We have been talking to the bandits to return the animals but they have made a demand that no copter should fly above their hideout,” said an elder who sought anonymity for fear of victimisation.

Rift Valley PPO John M’mbijjiwe had maintained that even if the Government was in pursuit of the bandits, they are avoiding injuring women and children.

Pleading with morans

 “The morans are using their women and children as shields and innocent people will probably be caught in the crossfire,” said Mbijjiwe.

 The meeting between elders and the security agents is expected to endorse military airstrikes or pursuing the bandits from ground using the GSU and the Regular police who have been combing the area.

Rift valley PC Osman Warfa and his PPO John M’mbijjiwe and other security officials have been holding meetings with the elders to plead with their Moran’s to return the animals and guns.

And in Nairobi, Internal Security Minister Katoo ole Metito told Parliament only military pilots are present in Baragoi to help in the hunt for raiders who killed over 40 police officers.

The minister was fielding questions from MPs who queried the move to deploy the military without seeking Parliament approval.

But the minister said the National Security Council, chaired by President Kibaki only authorised the military to help the police in the aerial surveillance.

“The council authorised Kenya Defence Forces to assist the police in the operation and there are only two military planes and their pilots in Baragoi, no other military officers are present,” Mr Metito told Parliament.

MPs expressed concern at the turn of events that led to the killing of the officers with Ndhiwa MP Augostino Neto criticising the Government for deploying officers with little experience to such harsh terrain as Suguta Valley. On his part Wajir West MP Adan Keynan blamed the intelligence agency for sleeping on the job.

Turkana Central MP Ekwee Ethuro claimed the Government was targeting one community in the operation, as his Kilgoris counterpart Gideon Konchella alleged retired officers could be having a hand in the raid.

Although, joint units of the police and the Kenya Defence Forces have begun a massive security operation, they are yet to strike the bandits who have fled from the valley and are now heading towards Nachola area,

Three aircrafts have been undertaking aerial surveillance, as plans to deploy ground troops get under way.

However, the joint GSU and the Regular police are still combing Suguta valley to find the body of an Anti-Stock Theft officer Gucha Woche that is still missing and believed to be dead by now since the Saturday attack by the bandits.

During the ambush, Woche was carrying a plastic water jerican on his back. Police believe that even his body will not be found, it is this water jerican that will be used as the lead to get his uniforms.

Military power

The deployment of military personnel to Baragoi was welcomed by the junior police officers saying that the military have the necessary equipment to combat the militia that boasts of the latest artillery.

“The military’s role in this area is very important. Our choppers are not meant for war but the military ones are and since bandits asked for the military that is what they will get,” warned Deputy Police Spokesman Charles Owino in a press conference last week.

The operation within Baragoi has also affected the Biometric Voter Registration that commenced on Monday. After The Standard and KTN highlighted the plight of the officers on patrol, they have now received new uniforms, clothes, boots and other materials.

They have also been moved their base from Baragoi Police Station to Baragoi Girl’s School, which is spacious and has adequate facilities.

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Baragoi bandits