
Bishop: Gays dangerous than terrorists

By Patrick Beja

The gay movement in Kenya is posing greater threat to Christianity than terrorism.

Mombasa Anglican Church of Kenya Bishop Julius Kalu told a congregation including Gachoka MP Mutava Musyimi that Christians are confronted by “the enemies of the Church” mainly homosexuals and lesbians and terrorism was a lesser threat.

“Our greatest fear as Church should not be the grenade attacks, but the new teachings like same sex marriages,” Kalu said, urging Christians to be “spiritually fully armed” to confront the challenges. Kalu has been out of the country for about two months during which the debate on gay sex unions has raged across Coast Province where the practice is prevalent.  In April, a grenade attack on Christians killed one worshipper in Mombasa and on July 1, armed men massacred 17 people including a Muslim policeman in a hail of bullets on two churches in Garissa.

 Big enemies

On Sunday, Kalu and Musyimi said Christians are now living in fear after the attacks and are not keen to attend Sunday service.

Kalu said terror attacks and the crusade for gay unions are twin challenges the church must confront.

He said church attendance has dropped in recent times.

“The congregation does not close eyes in prayer for fear of grenade attacks,” Kalu said during a Sunday sermon at ACK Memorial Cathedral, on Sunday. The clergyman said the Church should be more worried about the new liberal teachings allowing same sex marriages.

Kalu said the gay movement has popularised a new moral logic that is threatening to cripple the Church by introducing “unacceptable teachings” in the name of freedom of worship and association and asked Christians to stand up against the “unholy wave”.

“Christians must be fully armed spiritually as it is only divine intervention that will enable the country overcome these challenges,” Kalu said.

 “The Church is at war with enemies of the faith,” Kalu said. The enemies are the people who wanted to change the Christian doctrine.